All-in-one Furniture System
Have you ever imagined that living in all-in-one transformable space where there are equipped with living room, bedroom, kitchen in the same space? The Ori Robotice Furniture has using transoformable furniture pieces to create a all-in-one living box.In this case, you don't need to bother so much in selecting tables, beds, chairs or any other furniture. It consists of large cabinet-like modules that integrate multiple furniture items within it. The cabinet acts as a divider that separating a space into two, all while coming with retractable facilities on either side for equipping the space with couches, writing tables, media cabinets, beds, closets, and more.
You can make it move any way to find your ideal setting for space. It can be programmed to push the bedroom area against the wall during daytime to maximize living room space while moving away from the wall to make room for the bed at night. It comes with a control panel right on the cabinet where you can launch any actions.
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